Metal Spinning VS Sheet Metal Forming

October 20, 2021

Metal Spinning vs Sheet Metal Forming

When it comes to manufacturing, knowing which process to use can make all the difference in the world. One aspect of this decision is determining which method to use to shape metal. Two commonly employed methods are metal spinning and sheet metal forming. In this blog post, we will compare both methods and help you decide which is best for your project.

Metal Spinning

Metal spinning is a process used to create curved parts or components from sheets of metal. The metal is clamped onto a lathe-like machine, and a spinning roller is pressed against it to form the desired shape. This process is ideal for creating seamless parts, as the metal is spun continually and requires no additional welding or fabrication.

Metal spinning is typically used to make round objects like bowls, lamps, and decorative objects. The process can produce consistent shapes and thicknesses, with the maximum diameter of the blank usually limited to three times the material's thickness.

Sheet Metal Forming

Sheet metal forming is a process of shaping flat sheets of metal into various forms and shapes. This process is widely used in manufacturing, especially in the automobile and aerospace industries. There are several sheet metal forming processes such as bending, stretching, and deep drawing.

The benefit of sheet metal forming is that it can produce complex shapes and designs with a higher degree of precision and accuracy than metal spinning. Sheet metal can be shaped into curves, angles, and complex geometries by manipulating it with various machines and tools. Sheet metal forming machines can create a wide range of products like car body parts, airplane wings and parts, and even architectural structures.

Comparison between Metal Spinning and Sheet Metal Forming

Criteria Metal Spinning Sheet Metal Forming
Precision 3/5 5/5
Complexity 3/5 5/5
Speed 3/5 4/5
Cost 4/5 3/5


Sheet metal forming is more precise than metal spinning. Sheet metal can be stamped, cut, and formed into complex shapes and tight tolerances. Metal spinning, on the other hand, can create smoother curves, but it's not as precise as sheet metal forming.


Sheet metal forming can create more complex shapes than metal spinning. Since sheet metal can be cut, stamped, and manipulated using several different machines and processes, it can create shapes that would be impossible or very difficult to create with metal spinning.


Sheet metal forming is typically faster than metal spinning. Sheet metal forming machines can cut, stamp, and shape a piece of sheet metal in just a few minutes. Metal spinning, on the other hand, requires more time to spin the metal and create a desired shape.


Metal spinning is generally cheaper than sheet metal forming. Since sheet metal forming requires more complex machinery and additional steps to create the desired shape, it generally costs more than metal spinning.


Selecting the best process between metal spinning and sheet metal forming depends on the project's needs. For simpler curves and shapes, metal spinning is an optimal choice because it is faster and cheaper. However, for complex designs and geometries, sheet metal forming provides greater precision and complexity.

We hope this comparison of Metal Spinning vs Sheet Metal Forming has been helpful! If you need assistance with metal spinning or sheet metal forming, contact us today.


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